Why do I feel sad all the time (and what do I do about it)?

There are lots of reasons to feel sad and these can be triggered by big life events such a losing a family member or friend, a relationship breakdown, moving house, losing a job, having a baby, finishing school or college etc. It’s perfectly normal to feel sad after any kind of loss or big change. Not having a purpose or goal can also lead to sadness.

Sadness makes you feel like you don’t have any energy so it’s tempting to rest and stay in bed more than you normally would. Although resting seems like a good idea, you can end up feeling like you have less energy. The less you do, the worse you feel. It’s the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve and that makes us feel even more sad because you aren’t getting anywhere. Other symptoms you might notice could be feeling like you aren’t interested in things you used to enjoy, feeling hopeless, noticing an increase in negative thinking about yourself, other people and the world and a lack of concentration.

It can be really difficult to feel like this. So here are my top tips to change things:

  • Pay attention to what is going on for you. Are there things that make you feel worse or not as bad? Try to understand any patterns and make small changes to do more of the things that don’t feel so bad.

  • Watch out for things that feel good but only temporarily like drugs, alcohol, comfort eating. They will only make you feel worse in the long term.

  • Set small goals to rebuild a daily routine like taking a shower and having regular meals. Make it achievable and do it every day.

  • Build in a bedtime and wake up routine for the same time each day and stick to it.

  • Spend time outdoors. Go for a walk, explore nature, sit on your front doorstep with a cup of tea. It’ll all make a big difference.

  • Move your body. Exercise is the best anti-depressant. Go for a walk.

  • Connect with people. Catch up with old friends, reach out to family or chat to the person at the checkout in the supermarket.

  • Remember your thoughts are not facts, they will change when your mood does.

  • Even when you really don’t feel like doing anything at all. Go brush your teeth. Just getting up will help.

  • Don’t wait to feel motivated to make a start. Start now.

If you need more help to tackle how you’re feeling, please click the link below to get in touch and book an assessment.


Why do I feel so tired all the time?


Why do I feel bad (and what can I do about it)?